Saturday, July 10, 2010


I forgot to mention the stupid barking dog at my neighbor's house. I've delt with it for about 4 year. I've missed out on a lot of naps becuase of this dog. One time, before we had our fence, the dog came after me in my own yard. I've called my neighbor before and been really nice "hi neighbor, your dog is outside, barking, is there anyway I can let her inside? Is there anything she needs?" The barking never stops. And since the weather has been nice, they leave their dog outside while their gone. hours and hours of barking. The othe day..... I was sick of it. I marched right over there, on the way I was thinking to myself, "stay angry, don't loose your nerve" I knocked on their door, nobody was home, but they pulled up while I was still there. I couldn't back out now. I went right up to my neighbor and said, "do you hear that, listen (the dog was barking)that's all your dog does, when you leave, she barks the entire time, she never stops barking, I'm so sick of hearing her bark all the time, for hours and hours, I'm sick of it" She told me that she had no idea their dog did that when they left (I call BS). Needless to say, the last 3 days have been wonderfully quiet, no barking, although last night, they left her outside and she barked for about an hour. If it happens again tonight, I'm calling the cops. Yessssss, the peace of no barking dog constantly at me while i'm in my yard or even in my house trying to have a nice peaceful evening. Can you believe I actually went over there? I've never had contention with any of my neightbors before. Maybe they'll move.

1 comment:

  1. Next time they aren't home throw a piece of bread soaked in antifreeze over the fence ...problem solved.
