Saturday, July 10, 2010

First 5K down, Next please

Who kicks ass? I do, pretty much, yep. WOW, what a great feeling it was to run the race today. Vanessa was there, she ran with me, it was great to have a partner. Thanks Vanessa. I was so suprised to come arround the corner to see two people walking their dog in bright orange XanGo shirts. I yelled, Hey, go XanGo and realized it was Bonnie and Stefan. They came to support me!!!! Wow, an even better reason to love my team at XanGo. Stefan ran with me the rest of the way. My coach from Fleet Feet Sports came arround the last corner to run with me too to make sure I really pushed it at the end. My time was like 39 minutes, I don't know, I don't really care. It felt incredible. I know I can keep going longer faster better. I don't know why I was so worried about running today, the week or so off really helped my calfs. Did I mention I took a break to let my calfs heal? It was a good idea, my legs felt so good, my breathing was easy. Yea, i'm doing more 5Ks. I'm siging up for the 10K training this week, I need to pay for something to have that accountability of someone else counting on me. And if I don't practice during the week, they'll know, becuause I didn't get better the next week. And look at the health bennefits. I can really push my body now, I will push my body, I will!!!!!


  1. I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!!! I think I'll start singing the "proud of you" song. GO BREA!!! Ok, so I was supposed to be there with Stefan and Bonnie holding up a big poster saying "GO BREA" on it. However didn't realize Ryan needed the car so early in the morning for a photo shoot. I was so sad I couldn't be there!! I'll leave that poster for you on your desk. :)

  2. Brea you did absolutely AMAAAZZZIINGGG!!!! i was so happy to run with you. i better practice more so you dont smoke me in the xango 5K! you're such an inspirational person, and so happy! I'm proud of you (my legs are killing haha)

  3. you are awesome!!! good job Brea and thanks for sharing your fun times with everyone!
