Saturday, July 31, 2010

lots to update

wow, it's been way too long for a post... sorry to my millions of blof fans.
let's see....
we went to Bear lake last week. we left on Tuesday and came home on Friday. It was a lot of fun. Katie and Ethan were sick the whole time. Ethan didn't mind the runny nose, but Katie really hates having a runny nose and lets everyone know it. We spent 2 days at the beach. The temp was about 86 and the water was arround a cool 65. I don't mind the cold water, once you get used to it. Our nights were filled with marshmellows and smores with reeses instead of just chocolate. One day on the way to the beach, we stopped to wait for everyone else, after a few minutes i said, I'm just going to run to the bottom and wait there. so, I put on my running shoes and ran down the hill, it was only about a mile, but it felt good and got my mind going after not sleeping at all the night before. We are already planning our next trip.
I've been making some really great food lately, so, I am going to do a 2 day clease starting Monday. I know it's not going to help me burn fat, but it will get my mind set right again.
I went to go to the orientation for the 10K today and nobody was there. So, we drove to Roy for my brother to fix my secondary air pump. My brother is a mechanic. He works for an Audi dealership, he's pretty cool. The registration is due NOW and we've waiting until the last minute to take care of it. But, when most of the XanGo employees got raises as did I, I put my extra into a seperate savings account along with the money I was spending on my Aflac, so I had some extra to help out with the expense.
Oh, and guess who's my new visiting teacher? he he
my backyard neighbor, the one with the dog. he he, of course we'll probably end up being the best of friends.

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