Thursday, July 8, 2010

Oh, the pain of running

I've been taking a rest from running this week, my first 5k is on Sat. I haven't ran for a week now, I've been a little nervous that I'll suck on Sat just becuase I haven't been practicing, but after walking about a quarter of a mile on the 2nd to watch a parade, I could barely stand. So, I took some advise and haven't ran since. Today I went into walmart to exchange something, and I ran in and then out again and my legs didn't hurt. I am newly renewed, I can run, and I will run, and I will do fantastic, and then I will run some more. I would love to post some pictures, I have a really cute one of the kids holding hands all the way to the park the other day, but my computer is at Ben's Computer fix it Shop. Maybe I'll stop by tomorrow and see the team. Turns out I was doing their attendance a little incorectly,good thing Shannon pays attention. he he Sorry Team
We've been BBQing just about everyday. Nathan wants to cook something on the BBQ everyday, even if it's just 2 hotdogs. Today I mopped the floors, I know, It's not very interesting, but that's what I enjoy......keeping up on the house work, being a mommmy, cooking stuff, being a loving wife. You know, just life. Is it annoying when someone is so happy that all they can talk about is how much they love everything and how happy they are? I don't care. I'm a happy woman.

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